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From the Roost: Turkey & Turkey Hunting 2022


By Chris Berens, Senior Editor, Turkey & Turkey Hunting

It’s amazing how one sound — that first gobble of the year — has so much energy stacked up into it. Not just the energy that each male wild turkey puts into it, also all of the outside energy building up to it.

All of the previous summer, fall and long winter we wait for it, dream about it, remember it, talk about it, read about it, practice our own calls for it, prep gear for it, scout land for it. It’s a never-ending quest to hear one more.

And we love it.

Sure, we all complain about the extremely early mornings and bad weather. We grumble about hens that pick us out, gobblers that go silent and disappear. How our backsides hurt from sitting against some old tree, not to mention the skeeters.

In the end it’s all worth it because we still just want to hear one more gobble — that wild call of spring. To feel the excitement and rush of hope it brings for the chance to see its maker up close.

This year’s edition of Turkey & Turkey Hunting brings together the best turkey hunters and writers in North America to provide a wide range of turkey hunting knowledge. All to help you hear one more gobble and have a shot at your next longbeard.

There are strategies for preseason scouting, beating the crowds on public land, proven aggressive tactics and how to make your chances count. We dive into calling and decoying methods, and how to find birds in the those intimidating big-woods habitats.

Plus, we shed light on effective archery gear for turkeys, the evolution of turkey shotshell technology and, of course, all of the coolest new gear on the market this spring.

We always want to hear just one more gobble. Photo credit: Turkey & Turkey Hunting Senior Editor Chris Berens

If even one small tip or piece of information from this edition helps you hear that first gobble, or another one, this spring, then we’ve done our job and are happy to be a small part of the experience.

So dig in and begin the most epic spring turkey hunting season ever.

You can sleep when it’s over.


Look for Turkey & Turkey Hunting on your local newsstands, or order some copies directly from our online store at shop.deeranddeerhunting.com.

The magazine’s roots date back to a magazine called The Turkey Hunter, which was started more than 40 years ago. The title was merged with Turkey & Turkey Hunting in 1992 and has been published under that name ever since.

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