Knight & Hale’s Moonshiner hand-crafted pot call will have you sweet talking the most stubborn tom turkeys into shotgun or bow range — with a unique acrylic sound-board that gives versatility in volume, pitch and tone. Read
Friction Calls
HS Strut Cookie Cutt’R Tracer Lid Pan Call
The new Cookie Cutt’R Pot Call is a conventional pot call with a durable quick-reference removeable cap that allows novice as well as seasoned hunters to quickly and easily strike their preferred call. Read
2018 NWTF Convention Watch: Top Turkey Calls
Turkey hunters are only as good as the calls they use to produce those sounds that drive tom turkeys crazy. Here are some super-sweet models for your 2018 spring season on display at the 2018 NWTF Convention in Nashville. Read
Getting Real With Your Turkey Calls: The Yelp
Turkey calling champion Scott Ellis shares his advanced techniques for creating the yelp using box, mouth and pot calls. This is the first installment of the online-only “Getting Real With Your Turkey Calls” series. Read