Think of turkey calling in four separate phases — contact, coax, convince and close — and you’ll bring more birds to the gun or bow this spring. Read
Turkey Calling
How Effective Are Gobble Calls?
How effective are gobble calls for luring in call-shy birds? The short answer is “effective,” but to truly answer this question requires for me to take a step back and give you some background information on my experience with hunting … Read
New Turkey Calls From Primos Hunting
The guys and gals at Primos Hunting have been busy — cranking out a lineup of new turkey calls that will give you a leg up on those stubborn tom turkeys this spring. Read
New Gear: HS Strut Slingblade Turkey Box Call
This turkey box call has it all — excellent tone, great sound quality and durability, all in one of the easiest-to-use box calls you’ll ever lay your hands on. The new Slingblade box call from HS Strut. Read
How Can I Keep My Turkey Calls in Good Working Order
Keeping turkey calls in prime working order should be Rule No. 1 for all serious turkey hunters. Here are some tips for keeping them in tip top shape. Read
Sneak Peek: New Turkey Hunting Calls for 2018
Turkey hunters are only as good as the calls they use to produce those sounds that drive tom turkeys crazy. Here are some super-sweet models for your 2018 spring season. Read