Bowhunters are picky about their gear and rightly so, because everything needs to be precise and working in sync for optimal performance.
Have a loose nock? Eh, that’s not good. Something rattling on the bow, or maybe the sight pin is cattywampus? Not good. Anything on a bow that isn’t secured, tightened, in line, precise or otherwise working in harmony spells trouble.
Picking one thing as “the most important” on a bow might be a challenge, too. But I’d have to say the cams and strings. You could swap out a sight if need be, or probably find a Whisker Biscuit or rest in a local store and put it on. Having a bowshop, of course, would be best should you be on the road and have bow troubles.
Problem with a cam or string, though? Whew. That’s a doozy. Especially if for some reason the string got dinged while you’re crossing a fence or it nicked the lock-on ladder.
One of the niftiest pieces of gear I’ve seen, and I use, is the Primos Neoprene Bow Sling. It’s lightweight, fits easily over bows, has locking buckles and snaps, and adjustable strap for easy carrying. The strap has a textured underside, too, so it won’t slip off your shoulder. Or you can put your arm and neck through it and tote it even more easily.
“It’s really just one of the most simple, solid pieces of hunting equipment I have,” said John Vaca, who works with Primos and Vista Outdoors. “It’s foolproof and protects your bow while you’re walking until you get set in your stand. Slip it on or off and you’re done.”
If you’re walking through broomsedge or other vegetation, snaggy areas with tree limbs, perhaps in the swamp with grabby cattails or something. Anything that could snag, grab, poke, snatch or otherwise be a problem for your bow’s cams or string are pretty much a non-problem with this sling.
Some of the most simple things make the most sense, right?