Working on this latest edition of the magazine has been the perfect therapy to get through the dull winter, and all of us here at Turkey & Turkey Hunting are just as pumped as you are to get this magazine into your hands — and for the best season of the year to kick off soon. Read
Tag Archives: turkey hunting tactics
13 Tips & Tactics for Better Spring Turkey Hunting
We caught up with Jay Scott of Colburn and Scott Outfitters and learned about his well-earned success on the trickiest turkeys out there. He’s the host of the Jay Scott Outdoors Western Hunting & Fishing Podcast, but he is also a passionate hunter, angler and big-game guide. Read on to learn about his relentless turkey hunting process and what it takes to get birds on the ground with his top spring turkey hunting tips and tricks. Read
Turkey Tough
Turkey hunting ain’t always sunshine and rainbows, and toms gobbling and strutting in lush green fields for a perfect 20-yard shot. Often it’s cold or hot, quiet, muddy, buggy and frustrating. Read
Go West for Budget Longbeard Adventure
In many Western states, a spring turkey tag can be purchased over the counter, and a DIY backcountry turkey hunt can be just as much fun as elk hunting. Read
The Public-Land Turkey Plan
Public-land turkey hunting can be trying and frustrating, but with some planning and research you can find success with sweat equity and savvy ingenuity. Read
Turkey Calling: The 4-Step Program
Think of turkey calling in four separate phases — contact, coax, convince and close — and you’ll bring more birds to the gun or bow this spring. Read