Here we go with “Decision Time” 2013! Watch the hunt in this video, and then reply to let us know how you would have handled the tricky decision. The “Decision Time” logo will appear, and viewes will be presented with a few possible decisions to make about the hunt (A, B and/or C). Decide on the one that you think we will also choose or the one you think will provide the best outcome, and then follow the link to make your official decision for the current episode (only one decision allowed per episode, and your first decision is your final decision). On the next episode, the “correct” decision be will revealed, and no further entries will be accepted for that “Decision Time” segment. All correct answers will go into a “virtual hat,” from which we will draw a winner. We will draw a new winner each episode. Because there is no way to predict what might have happened if a different decision had been explored, employees with Turkey & Turkey Hunting magazine and will choose which decision is the “correct” decision based on outcome and other factors. Each episode will reveal the previous episode’s conclusion and “correct” decision, and a new hunt with a new segment of “Decision Time” will be presented until the end of the 2013 spring season (around the end of May). By participating in this contest, you agree to waive all rights for or Turkey & Turkey Hunting to use your name and likeness in any promotion or advertisment of this contest or any other aspect of web-based programming. All decisions pertaining to the contest, made by the staff of and Turkey & Turkey Hunting magazine, are FINAL.