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The Turkey Hunters: Junior Calling Champ Hunter Wallis

Hunter Wallis

Hunter Wallis has won numerous major junior turkey calling titles.

Editor’s note: “The Turkey Hunters” is a blog that profiles notable folks in the turkey hunting industry. In this installment, we talk with World, Grand Nationals and U.S. Open junior calling champion Hunter Wallis, of Union Dale, Pa.

T&TH: Hunter, you’re really young (14), but you’ve been turkey hunting for quite some time, haven’t you?

Wallis: My dad got me started turkey hunting, and I’ve basically been in the turkey woods since I was an infant. I called in birds for my dad before I could shoot. I completed my grand slam when I was 12 years old.

T&TH: Tell us about your contest experience and some of your titles.

Wallis: I started calling in contests when I was 6 years old. My first contest was at a county fair, and I used a box call but lost out to older kids who used push-button calls. I’m a two-time NWTF Grand Nationals Junior champion (2011 and 2012). I also won the 2011 U.S. Open Junior title and the World Junior championship in 2012. In addition, I’m a two-time New Jersey state junior champ and a Pennsylvania state junior champ. And I’ve also won several NWTF-sanctioned contests — literally too numerous to mention.,

T&TH: What’s your secret? How did you get so good at calling?

Wallis: The only way to get good is with practice, practice and more practice.

T&TH: What’s your favorite aspect of turkey hunting or just being outdoors in general?

Wallis: Besides spending time with family and friends in the woods, my favorite part of the spring gobbler season is working a bird and calling him in close.

T&TH: What does your future hold?

Wallis: My goal is to continue winning contests and to spend as much time as possible learning about turkeys and hunting them. And ultimately, a career in the outdoors industry.

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