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High-Powered Lighting for Fall Turkeys

Here’s another great text-and-video instructional from our good friends at Best Turkey Decoy!

Fall turkeys love to use the sunny side of a field at first light. They have just spent all night in a dark tree and are excited to start the day.  In a field setting, that means you should set up on the western or northern sides of the field to catch those first rays of sun. Check that gray skyline for areas of lower trees or possibly shade-producing terrain features that control shadows, and try pick a final spot based upon the first areas to receive sunshine.

Sunshine for Big-Woods Fall Turkeys

Turkeys in a big-woods setting like to start their day in the sun, too. In mountain or hilly areas, the terrain has obvious shadow-casting abilities, and you should factor them into your setup. Sometimes, it’s very difficult to visually pattern groups of fall turkeys in big-woods scenarios, and you can combine your roost knowledge with heavily scratched areas nearby that receive that first light. Pick those spots as early-morning set up spots. It’s not 100 percent, but it will tip the odds a little more in your favor.

Homework First For Fall Turkeys

You still need to put your time in and identify roost areas and adjacent feeding areas to help this fall turkey tactic work, but in scenarios where you know general areas the birds are using, picking the parts of the field that get the first light can pay dividends. This is where those first grasshoppers get warm and wake up, and it’s also where predators become lit up, so it’s a much safer area for the turkeys to hang. Find your flocks and the general areas they are using, and use this tactic to help you pinpoint which part of the field or woods to set your blind and or decoys for fall turkey hunting success.

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