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Fall Issue Preview! Best Autumn Turkey Hunting Tips!

fallHere’s a brief preview of our Fall 2012 issue, which should be in the hands of subscribers very soon. These are just a few of the great autumn hunting tips you’ll find in the magazine.

“If you’ve roosted birds, simply walk under them as false dawn arrives, but before fly-down. Scatter them. Note the direction each bird flies. Make your setup close to the center of that break or near where a particular bird flew, if you want that one.” — Steve Hickoff, from “Call Like the Fall Bird You Want to Kill.”

“Whether you call it trolling or cutting and running, spring has its own brand of on-the-move hunting. Fall also has a method for covering a lot of country fast and seeing if you can get birds talking. It’s called the sneak and yelp. Move slowly through good turkey habit — woodlots, wooded hills, mixed farmland — without barging around or skylining yourself. Stop and call at regular intervals — perhaps every 50 yards in thicker forest, every 100 yards or so in more open habitat. Only call from places where you can drop to your butt and set up fast if you get an answer. Make some lost yelps, regular yelps, kee-kees or other calls to let turkeys know you’re there.” — Tom Carpenter, from “Fall Free-For-Fall.”

“When a dog breaks up a flock of turkeys, you’ll know about it by the dog’s impassioned yodeling. A good break means close contact with lots of turkeys that scatter in all directions. A so-so break might mean a single bird that flew off, or a flock that heard or saw the dog at a distance and left in the same direction before the dog could approach closer.” — Greg Lobas, from “Gone to the Dogs: The Fall Turkey Hunt.”


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