As fall turkey, waterfowl and big-game seasons wind down across much of the country, we begin the cabin fever portion of the year; planning for and dreaming about spring gobbler hunting.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing, of course. Anticipation makes the hunt that much sweeter. And we can all use some calling practice and tactical review to hone our woodsmanship skills. Further, the much-anticipated 2014 National Wild Turkey Federation Convention is right around the corner (Feb. 13 through 16), and everyone is looking forward to the second annual Talk’n Turkey Expo on March 22 at Howards Grove.
Some of you will point out that a few fall turkey seasons, including Wisconsin’s, are still open. Frigid weather aside, chasing gobbler flocks or family groups well into winter can shorten the off-season doldrums for anyone.
And when you think about it, the first spring seasons open in about 12 weeks. Shoot, I can wait 12 weeks, right? Well, we’ll see. In the meantime, we’ll help each other out by talkin’ turkey, listening to yelping and daydreaming about all the great times to come.