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The Turkey Hunters: Meet Scott Ellis

Editor’s note: “The Turkey Hunters” is a blog that profiles notable folks in the turkey hunting industry. In this installment, we catch up with champion caller Scott Ellis of Florida.

Scott Ellis

Scott Ellis is one of the most accomplished turkey callers today.

Scott Ellis is a member of the Woodhaven Custom Calls-Sting Team, a field expert for Ol’ Tom, and on the pro staffs for Truglo and Thermacell. He’s also a free-lance outdoor writer and videographer. His full-time job is as an account manager for DXP Enterprises.

T&TH: Scott, how many years have you hunted turkeys, and what are some of your favorite milestones?

Ellis: I’ve been turkey hunting for 26 years. I’ve had articles published in numerous outdoor magazines, and I’ve been featured on numerous television shows, including Turkey Call, Get in the Game, Outdoor Allstars and Hardcore Hunting.

T&TH: You’re one of the hottest competition callers on the circuit nowadays. Can you give us a rundown of your accomplishments?


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* 2004 Florida State gobbling champion
* 2005 Florida State Senior Division champion
* 2006 Florida State Senior Division champion
* 2006 Southern Open champion
* 2006 Florida State Gobbling champion
* 2007 Florida State Senior Division champion
* 2007 Florida State Gobbling champion
* 2008 Northeast Florida Open
* 2008 Northeast Florida Gobbling champion
* 2008 Northeast Florida Open Friction champion
* 2008 Myrtle Beach Open Owl Hooting champion
* 2008 Florida State Gobbling Division
* 2008 U.S. Open Qualifier champion
* 2008 Top 10 finish U.S. Open
* 2009 Florida State Senior Division champion
* 2009 Top 10 Finish Grand Nationals Senior Division
* 2009 Florida State Gobbling champion
* 2009 Top five Grand National Gobbling Division
* 2009 Virginia Open Friction Division champion
* 2009 North Carolina Tarheel Open champion
* 2009 Madison Open champion
* 2009 Madison Open Gobbling Divsion champion
* 2009 Top 10 Finish Grand Nationals Senior Division
* 2010 Cincinnati Open Gobbling champion
* 2010 Top five finish NWTF Grand Nationals Senior Division
* 2010 North Carolina Owl Hooting champion
* 2010 North Carolina Natural Voice champion
* 2010 Pennsylvania Corn Festival Open champion
* 2010 Pennsylvania Corn Festival Friction Open champion
* 2010 Florida Open Friction Division
* 2011 North Carolina Last Chance Open champion
* 2011 Top 10 Grand Nationals Senior Division
* 2011 Florida State Senior Division champion
* 2011 Southern Open champion
* 2011 Florida State Gobbling champion
* 2011 Florida Open Friction champion
* 2011 Southeast Regional Turkey Calling champion, Augusta Ga.

From 1992 to the current time, I have placed in more than 40 other owl, friction, gobbling, open and state championships.

T&TH: What do you do for fun when you’re not turkey hunting or contest calling?

Ellis: I would have to say outside of hunting and calling, golf, fishing, and playing guitar and singing are my other passions.

T&TH: What’s your greatest enjoyment or satisfaction from the outdoors?

Ellis: Sharing that special moment in the woods with first hunters or my family. I especially get complete satisfaction out of helping someone find success in the hunting adventures and introducing new people to the wonderful pastime we call hunting.

T&TH: Thanks for your time today, Scott, and good hunting this spring.

Want to become a champion turkey caller like Scott Ellis? Start by using these turkey calls from Turkey & Turkey Hunting.

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