Here are some random observations floating around in my sleep-deprived post-season brain. Read
Tag Archives: Weird Turkeys
In the Turkey Woods 2012: Check Out These Double Spurs!
This once-in-a-lifetime Ohio gobbler sported double spurs on both legs. Read
New Year, New Blogs from Turkey & Turkey Hunting
Turkey & Turkey Hunting has added three new blogs for 2012! Check out the site for more great new content. Read
500 Gobblers Later, Hunter Still Finds New Surprises
T&TH reader Earl Groves has hunted turkeys for 50 years and killed more than 500 gobblers. You’d think nothing could surprise him after all that. Then again, maybe something could.
T&TH Contributor Has Golden End to Season
Scott Bestul, a contributing editor to Turkey & Turkey Hunting, shot this odd-colored gobbler while hunting in northern Wisconsin. The bird has blond or almost golden secondary wing feathers. Read
The Spurless Gobbler
The Kansas gobbler I shot had no spurs. They weren’t broken off, either. The bird never grew them.
Only the small bumps of the spur caps were visible on its legs. Read