Switch Up Your Seasonal Attack
Looking for a way to increase the adrenaline rush you get from hunting turkeys? Try hunting them with stick and sting.
During the early part of the season, turkey travel patterns are somewhat predictable and hunting with archery gear from ground blinds can be very effective. Target roost sites and field edges turkeys consistently use. The same patterns re-emerge late in the season as toms begin to settle back down into a lifestyle of simple subsistence.
As you consider ground blind sites, keep in mind that turkeys quickly become comfortable with new objects in their environment. Stake it close to prime areas, but make sure you have an invisible entrance and exit to avoid spooking birds. The same is true of decoys. Stake them close, less than 10 yards from the blind, to ensure no-miss shooting opportunities. Incoming turkeys will focus on the decoy, not the blind, and you’ll be free to slowly make moves hidden in the security of the blind. — Mark Kayser