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Turkey Season Is On Now!

atchopener2OK, it’s really happening now. Sure, Hawaii and Florida’s Zone A have been open for a couple of weeks, but Alabama, Mississippi and Low Country South Carolina opened today, and Saturday marks the opener in Texas’ Rio Grande South Zone and Florida’s zones B, C and D.

In fact, my good buddy Wade Atchley, left, struck paydirt near Titus, Ala., opening morning. He actually texted me at 6 a.m. to report that it was 37 degrees for the opener. When I told him to go kill a bird anyway, he wrote, “He might be frozen to the limb.”

atchhook2But at 8:48 a.m., Atchley pulled the trigger on a hot-gobbling longbeard. Check out the beard and hooks on that ‘Bama gobbler, folks.

Yep. It’s on. Let us know how you do.

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