by Lovett E. Williams Jr.
I have heard gobbling hens.
Gobbling by hens is rare. I have observed it once during a fall hunt
in Montana.
The lone hen came across a small wheat stubble field in response to my calling making loud, angry sounds of alarm putting, cutting, and harsh “whits.”
As she came into over a slight rise in the field, she gobbled several times in full view while exhibiting typical gobbling posture. She came within a few feet of my position but did not strut.
Although hens were legal game in Montana, I was about to let her go when I realized that if I didn’t shoot her, I would miss an opportunity to look at her gonads and to closely examine her secondary sexual features.
Upon dissection, I found a completely normal ovary and oviduct and could see nothing unusual about her secondary sexual features.
I have witnessed this twice. One hen had decided my yard was her home and would strut and chase my 100lb bull dog. The other was while hunting, we heard a stange gobble, thought perhaps a jake, until a hen showed up. She came to our calls and seemed annoyed when she couldn’t find us. She put on quite a show. Strutting and "gobbling" to within less then 10 yards. It is not legal to shot hens in the Spring in Mississippi. It was really fun to watch. We went and bought a video camera after the experiance….. just in case she comes back this year.
I saw this last year. She was definitely a hen and definitely gobbling and strutting, or at least trying to.