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Against the Wind

By Jared Blohm

With my first Kansas gobbler tagged, it was my dad’s turn to be the shooter.

Later the same morning I shot my bird, Flambeau/M.A.D. Pro Staffer Todd Wilson dropped us off at an alfalfa field and told us where to set up because he had to feed cattle. Todd hoped we’d be able to draw a tom from the low wooded area below the field.

My dad and I rushed to put up the tent blind as the weather took a turn for the worse. What had been a windy, cold rain turned into a windy, cold downpour.

Safely inside the tent, we were happy to stay mostly dry, but wondered if any turkeys would even hear the calls from the M.A.D. Cherry Bomb box call over the gusting winds. About a half hour later, our question was answered when a tom hopped into the field 125 yards down the treeline.

The gobbler spotted our Flambeau Master Series Flocked King Strut, Jake and 3-Position Hen and headed straight for them. In full strut, it slowly worked its way closer to the setup, gobbling a couple times as it closed the distance.

At a little over 30 yards, my dad took the shot and dropped the bird.
In the first morning of our hunt, we broke for lunch with two wet Kansas gobblers in the back of the truck.
Jared Blohm is the managing editor of Trapper & Predator Caller.

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