Don’t beat yourself up over a miss or blown opportunity. That’s the only way you’ll become a better turkey hunter.
Tree Call
Friend’s Sacrifice Puts Turkey Hunting in New Light
An old friend is killed in Afghanistan, causing Editor Brian Lovett to reflect on the freedoms that allow hunting to happen at all.
Turkey Trophies Keep Memories Alive
Editor Brian Lovett looks back on decades of turkey trophies.
Remembering Turkeys That Never Rode in the Truck
It seems like some folks are increasingly concerned with the number of turkeys someone has killed.
Probing the Mysteries of Improbable Turkey Misses
Hunt long enough and you’ll wonder how in the world you missed an easy shot at a turkey. Editor Brian Lovett explores this strange phenomenon.
Toting Gear is Personal Choice
Take what you need into the field, and live with the consequences. But remember if you do not have it, you cannot use it. Read