Think fast feet and lightweight gear to stay on top of actively changing turkey behavior. Read
Hunting Tactics
Make Your Turkey Gun Go the Distance
To get the most out of your turkey hunting shotgun, shotshell and choke setup, you need to do your due diligence. The extra effort will be well worth it. Read
Break the Public-Land Turkey Hunting Rules
Five outside-the-box strategies for public-land turkey hunting success. Read
Top 10 Spring Turkey Scouting Tips
Do you believe “the birds are either there or they aren’t— but they usually are, so why bother scouting?” That’s probably not a good plan. Read
From the Roost: Turkey & Turkey Hunting 2022
This year’s edition of Turkey & Turkey Hunting brings together the best turkey hunters and writers in North America to provide a wide range of turkey hunting knowledge. All to help you hear one more gobble and have a shot at your next longbeard. Read
Turkey Tough
Turkey hunting ain’t always sunshine and rainbows, and toms gobbling and strutting in lush green fields for a perfect 20-yard shot. Often it’s cold or hot, quiet, muddy, buggy and frustrating. Read