I glimpsed two black specks racing down the creek bank 150 yards away. Then, I watched two white heads pop up on the other side. Before I knew it, a strutter was purring aggressively while challenging our jake decoy. Read
Hunting Tactics
20 Turkey Tips in 20 Days: #14 Asking Acceptance
Here’s what to do to gain entrance into turkeys’ social heirarchy.
Rio Roundup, Day 3: Hangin’ at the Condo
The spacious cedar clump offered shade, cover and several comfortable tree trunks. It was a prime spot for an afternoon nap – er,
hunt. Read
20 Turkey Tips in 20 Days: #13 Double Up
Try calling birds with a buddy. Here are three ways you can team up.
Day 2 Dawns at the Rio Roundup
The birds never really cranked up. In fact, the gobbling actually waned and then stopped for several minutes. But at flydown, several turkeys pitched from the treetops, flew toward us and landed near a water tank. Read
20 Turkey Tips in 20 Days: #12 Three Strikes
By using the three strikes approach to calling, you can tell if a gobbler is hot or not.