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What Are Some Good Turkey Hunting Tips for Bad Weather?


Gobblers react differently depending on the level of precipitation.

Are turkeys active on cold, rainy days? This season, it rained steadily for a while, and we didn’t hear any signs of birds since it began. Will turkeys still call? — Robert Ruken

Yes. Or no. It depends.

The level and intensity of precipitation determines how turkeys will react. A light spring shower won’t affect their behavior much. I’ve killed several rainy-day gobblers that were pepper-hot. However, more severe cold, wind and rain can definitely put turkeys into a funk. That is, birds won’t gobble much if at all, even on the roost. In fact, they might linger on the roost for a while before flying down. During very heavy downpours, turkeys will actually tuck their heads and wings tight to their body to weather the rain.

But here’s the catch: You don’t know how they’ll react unless you’re out there. Modern raingear and pop-up blinds let you hunt comfortably during otherwise miserable days. If the forecast looks wet, I’ll grab my waterproof calls and set up near a field or similar open area, which always seem to attract turkeys during wet weather. If they gobble, great. If not, I’ll wait them out as long as I can.

One more thing: When the rain stops and the sun shines, get out there. Turkeys often tear it up after they dry their feathers and warm up.

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